
Man knew of the antibacterial effect of silver long before modern medicine and microbiology appeared. It was used in order to decontaminate the water in wells; people drank water out of silver jugs during epidemics, they also made silver compresses. The fact that during those manipulations’ bacteria were not able to adapt to silver through all this time gives even more proof that silver is highly effective as an antibacterial means. Silver is an eco-friendly antiseptic used by people from ancient times. State-of-the-art technologies make it possible to use this metal in the form of tiny little particles. They can make an antibacterial that effects 1000 times more than the same amount of a massive metal. EVOLUT products eradicate more than 650 bacteria.

Silver nanoparticles are covered with a special molecule to give it this protection. In comparison with usual antibacterial products, which stop working just after application, silver nanoparticles are not deconstructed for a long time and are able to have an antibacterial effect for 8 hours.
Nanoparticles are small crystals formed from silver atoms. Properties of silver in this form are much more intense due to the fact that most atoms of the crystal are located on its surface. These very atoms provide the antibacterial effect.

Therefore by using silver in the form of nanoparticles, we increase the effect of its antibacterial properties by a factor of ten.

Most of the antibiotics and synthetic antibacterial agents oppress the vital function of bacteria. Getting into it, they function as the toxin, poisoning it and causing its destruction. Due to that mechanism bacteria produce the way of protection. They prevent penetration of the toxin and neutralizing it with the help of special substances.

Silver nanoparticles function in a different way. They destroy the cell wall of a bacterium and cause its instant physical destruction, but not it’s toxic poisoning. This method does not give a bacterium an opportunity to adapt and produce the protection mechanism and pass it on to the next generation.

Of the most dangerous pathogens are eliminated by silver nanoparticles

Are required to destroy all bacteria on the skin

Of continuous bacterial protection after application

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